1. Althencontrols
  2. Industriella joysticks och positionsåterkopplingssensorer
  3. Industriella fotpedaler

Industriella fotpedaler

  • independent and free consultation
  • customisable design
  • integrable into your systems


Industriella fotpedaler

Industriella fotkontroller är tillförlitliga och avancerade fotpedaler som används i applikationer som gruvfordon och vinschar, upp till medicinska instrument och studioutrustning.

Tailor-made or complete customizations

Not exactly what you are looking for?

We offer standard industrial footpedals but can also help you with a customized design or a complete measurement solution.

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  • Quick reply
  • Cost-efficient
  • Tailored to your needs

Industrial Foot Pedals & Foot Switches

If you are looking for a reliable high-end foot pedal or foot switch, you found the right supplier. We offer you various footpedals from low cost to the high-performance market. Our footpedals are equipped with potentiometers, hall effect sensors and/or switches. These footpedals are suited for use in all kind of industries and applications.

From industrial applications such as mining vehicles and winches, up to medical instruments and studio equipment.